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Campaign / Video / Photo / Social Media Advertising



Karabag Heldenkampagne

Project Summary

With this branding campaign, we celebrate craftsmen and delivery drivers.

Project video

About the Project


This campaign is less about actually selling vehicles and more about highlighting KARABAG as a brand. The goal of the campaign was to increase emotional involvement, strengthen customer loyalty and reinforce the sense of community in the KARABAG community. To achieve that and create an emotional connection, the idea was to celebrate the people who use our vehicles the most: Courier drivers and tradesmen!


The hero campaign should take place on Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube and via email. There should be two different stories within the campaign: One that depicts the life of a courier driver, or as we call them, courier heroes, and one that depicts that of a craft hero. In both cases, the focus of the stories was on the almost supernatural work that craftsmen and courier drivers do every day. 25,000 steps a day, shifting gears 3,000 times, lifting 1.5 tons - all of these factors are part of the jobs, and we wanted to highlight that with the campaign. With a detailed storyboard, we then went to the two-day video shoot.

From the finished footage, we created various stories for different social campaigns. Since we were also able to extract images from the video footage, we created landing pages for courier heroes and craft heroes and also spread the campaign via our newsletter. Our Instagram feed was also aligned with the hero campaign.


Project Images

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